How many out there who wish to build your business online get lost in a galaxy’s worth of information? Ever felt like you have more information products then there are stars in the Milky Way? I’ve been there too.
But how do you sort out this information overload and find that one star, that one piece of information that gets you started – I mean really started? I don’t mean calling yourself an online entrepreneur while you’re buying info product and “biz-opp” after info product and “biz-opp.” I mean really running your business online and offering a valuable product or service that others want.
Well, for starters it takes picking that one product, or piece of information that you truly believe in, your star, and plot your course for it. Of course, if you’re lost in a galactic-scale information overload that can be easier said than done.
So what’s the answer?
Well, what do pilots, astronauts and anyone else who’s got a complex job where one mistake can mean disaster do? They have a checklist and follow it. It spells out all the actions, in order, needed to get going safely. Every emergency or situation anyone in their profession has faced before has a checklist, of what the survivors actually did to solve the problem if they succeeded, or what they should have done to solve it if they failed.
Although in internet marketing the stakes aren’t nearly as high as an astronaut about to go into space or a pilot flying, say, a helicopter, taking their advice and having a checklist is still a very good idea. It can save you a lot of wasted time and money buying too many products and confusing yourself with too much information, which could be better spent, using a few bits of quality information to give you what you need to know to market online and then actually get busy doing it.
I wish I’d had such a checklist when I was getting started back in the summer, it would have saved me a whole lot of wasted money, time and grief. From what I’ve learned from my own experience and from talking with my clients, this seems to be where most fail; they simply get lost and don’t know what to do next. And lost people are perfect targets for hustlers! That’s another place where many fail, they get caught by some scammer and get jaded about the whole internet marketing idea and just give up. Unfortunately that’s exactly what the scammer types want!
So what to do…?
What I’ve been working on recently is just such a checklist! This checklist includes not only the steps you need to take to get yourself started online, but also some of the key tools you’ll need to get these steps done. All you have to do is subscribe to my list by clicking the button below and you can get it for free!
Now let’s build our dot com lifestyle together, each knowing exactly which star is right one for him or her.