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Blog Review: John Chow, The Dot Com Mogul


I am back. After a few months of silence, I’m resuming blogging activities with weekly posts on Mondays and will continue this moving forward.

In today’s post, I’ll be looking at a fellow blogger’s blog, that of the Dot Com Mogul himself, John Chow. My overall impression is definitely good.

As a Web Developer, I can appreciate the clean and intuitive menu system, where each item leads to exactly what I would expect it to lead to, and all the basic pages I would expect to find on a blog are there, the Home page, About page Blog page and Contact pages are all easy to find.

Home Page at www.johnchow.com

When I get into his articles, they are well-written, engaging and entertaining, with a good mix of text and graphics, with some videos thrown in for some of his blog posts.

Blog Article at www.johnchow.com

He also knows how to monetize his blog, using a diverse set of strategies ranging from Adsence, to selling his own banner space to product reviews to affiliate products to even selling his own books. According to his About page, he’s making a solid 6-figure a year income off of his blog. I would definitely recommend to anyone to model their blog design and style after John Chow’s.

I hope you enjoyed reading this review and if you want to see more such reviews, feel free to let me know in the comments below. Also if there is anything you would like me to cover in a future blog post, feel free to suggest it in the comments.

You can see John Chow’s website at: http://www.johnchow.com/

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