If you really look at it, this is truer than most realize – especially in today’s society where people are led to believe that the ultimate happiness comes from idleness, from doing absolutely nothing at all. Yet take a look at the most idle people in society and there is where you’ll find the most [...]
With all the interruptions to the Radiant Freedom blog and operations lately, at the hands of those hackers, I would say it’s about time to talk a bit about network security. To start with, I’ll define a few terms for you. But first, let’s go over what I’ll be covering in this post: Some Computer [...]
I came across this video by John Chow about a common question he’s asked which goes like this “I have $____ to spend on advertizing” the amount could be anything, sometimes $200, or $500 or $100, or whatever. I’m seeing this sort of dillemma myself in my own business. Here’s how John Chow answered that [...]
In Part 1 I went over how to Organize your website and then discussed the Navigation of your site. In Part 2 I covered the design of your site and in Part 3 I went over the Layout and Accessibility of your website. Now, in the concluding part of this 4 part series on good [...]
Radiant Freedom is proud to present a post from a Special Guest Blogger, Ritu Guglani. Are you, as a professional communicator, prepared to shorten your presentations at a moment’s notice? Constraints of time can actually become your friends in creating an impactful presentation. To start with To start preparing for your presentation, get away from [...]
In Part 1 I talked about designing the Organization and Navigation of your website, and in Part 2 I talked about the Design of your website. Here, in Part 3, I will cover the Layout of your website and why and how to make it Accessible to as many visitors as possible, including those with [...]
In Part 1 of The Anatomy of a Good Website, I went over the basics of your website’s structure and navigation. There are still three areas yet to go over. In today’s post I’ll cover Design. This is a big topic and needs a whole post just to do it justice. Design This is where [...]
As a web developer, it’s about time I gave you some tips about how to develop a good, well-designed website. I’ll go over the basic principles of a good website, and also what can cause a bad design. I’ll then give you some examples of both good and bad designs for websites. There are 5 [...]
You. All the other things I’ve posted over the past months all come down to one thing, what you think, how you act, and what you do. You choose to fail, by choosing the wrong focus, not following up with clients/leads, not closing the deal, not setting goals, listening to the wrong advice and all [...]
Truer words were never spoken, or in this case written. These words were taken right out of Napoleon Hill’s much-quoted book Think and Grow Rich. How many times have you seen or been a participant of this scenario? Person A says something like, “I have this great opportunity for you!” “Oh yeah! What is it?” [...]